Bluestacks app player is available for all iMac, Mac Pro, Macbook Air/Pro. In short, Bluestacks 5 can run on any of your Mac Computer. Go to the official site of Bluestacks or download it from this link. Wait till it is completely downloaded. Open Bluestacks 5 and login to your Google account. Now you can start using Bluestacks 5 Emulator. Guide On How To Resize change Bluestacks Resolution in Windows Mac: step by step process. First of all you have to open the registry tool of windows, For that Just go to. Start Type “ Run ” in the search bar Then Press Enter. The type “ regedit.exe ” in the run window as shown below. Press enter after that a new windows will.
/PowerMyMac /How to Uninstall Bluestacks on Mac
Bluestacks is a pretty great program, but if for whatever reason you want to remove it from your Mac, there are a few options available to you just so you know. Feel free to read on to find out the way to uninstall Bluestacks on Mac.
Article GuidePart 1. What Is Bluestacks and The Benefits of Uninstalling ItPart 2. Powerful Way on How to Uninstall Bluestacks on MacPart 3. Manual Way to Uninstall Bluestacks on MacPart 4. App Store Deletion to Uninstall Bluestacks on Mac
Part 1. What Is Bluestacks and The Benefits of Uninstalling It
First and foremost, if you do not know what Bluestacks is and it is installed in your Mac, best you find out before removing it completely from your Mac. Bluestacks is a free desktop app that can help Mac play Android apps as it acts as an Android Emulator. So when you are playing those Android games on your Mac, you are definitely using Bluestacks to that.
Download Bluestack For Macbook Pro
Now, if that sounds like something that you no longer need for some reason or another, then you will definitely want to keep reading how to uninstall Bluestacks on Mac.
Much like other applications, uninstalling Bluestacks on Mac can free up some much-needed space (here we'd like to recommend you a useful tool named iMyMac PowerMyMac with the ability to clear away your Mac purgeable space).
It is also good to note that there are times that applications could be running in the background, these applications can take up some memory space and slow down your Mac, which we all know no one wants to happen. So if you are sure beyond a reasonable doubt that you really want to remove Bluestacks from your Mac, the next few steps in this guide of how to uninstall Bluestacks on Mac are the perfect read for you.
Part 2. Powerful Way on How to Uninstall Bluestacks on Mac
As one can imagine, having some temporary folders still somewhere in their system is a bother for a lot of people. So we strongly suggest you use iMyMac PowerMyMac to make sure that you can uninstall Bluestacks on Mac easily, quickly and complete.
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Just take these steps in order to complete the process.
Step 1 - Download and install PowerMyMac. Just go to the official website and download it, then install it, it shouldn’t take too long overall.
Step 2 - Run the PowerMyMac program. As soon as you install it and you run the program, you will be given a quick overview of your system. It’s a good idea to see how the overall “health” of your Mac is going.
Step 3 - On the left part of PowerMyMac, you will see a few options, but for sure you have noticed the Uninstaller. Click on that to proceed to the next step.
Step 4 - Once you have chosen the Uninstaller module, PowerMyMac will ask if it can scan your computer. You can click on Scan to give its approval as it will need to find Bluestacks in order to go to the following step.
Step 5 - View and choose the app or program you want to remove. After the scanning process is done, find Bluestacks and click on it.
Step 6 - After choosing Bluestacks you can then open up all the files there and decide what you want to remove, of course, at this point you’ll want to click on all and then press on the clean option. And then you are done. No need to look for all the other missing files, PowerMyMac made sure to take care of those for you too.
Part 3. Manual Way to Uninstall Bluestacks on Mac
The beauty of Mac is how it can finish tasks as easy and as simple as possible. A great way to uninstall is to simply drag the icon of the Bluestacks to your trash can icon and put it in there. Delete the files inside the trash bin and you are pretty much done.
Easy and quick, however, you must note that this doesn’t remove everything completely and temporary files among other things are likely still stored on your Mac. The option to scour through your Mac manually to find all of them and delete them manually is definitely a choice, not an easy one but it is available to most users.
While this can also still leave some temporary files, it is still another option on how to uninstall Bluestacks on Mac manually:
- Make sure that you are logged in to your Admin user on your Mac.
- Quit using Bluestacks by opening it and then pressing the X button.
- Click on your finder and look for the applications folder to find Bluestacks, simply drag it down to your trash bin icon.
- Open the trash bin icon, you should see all applications and other items pending for permanent deletion there. Choose all or just choose Bluestacks and then press delete, this will confirm the final step and Bluestacks will be uninstalled from your Mac.
As mentioned above, likely the temporary folders are still somewhere on your Mac takes up space and finding them will be a laborious task altogether.
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Part 4. App Store Deletion to Uninstall Bluestacks on Mac
This option is not available to everyone, as it can only be done if you have downloaded Bluestacks using the App store. Now, assuming that you did download it through this option, you can simply follow a few steps to delete it from your Mac.
Step 1 - Find and press your Launchpad icon. For those who do not know what that is, it’s the icon that makes apps appear like your Mac is an iPhone or iPad, very handy for those who prefer that interface.
Step 2 - Find Bluestacks in there and then click and hold the icon until it starts to react, normally it will wiggle a little.
Step 3 - You will notice a small x on top of the Bluestacks icon, click it and you are done.
Note: As mentioned, this is only for when you download Bluestacks from the App store, should the x button not appear after pressing and holding it for a while on Launchpad, that likely means you downloaded it using a different method.
And now you know how to uninstall Bluestacks on Mac. It is good to note that there are many options available to you as a Mac user, but finding the right option is up to you to decide. We recommend PowerMyMac is your best choice. Get its free trial version now!
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A powerful all-in-one App for Mac
Free DownloadGill2019-03-20 06:19:53
Clean up and speed up your Mac with ease
Free DownloadBlueStacks is a great Android emulator to use Android apps or games on your Mac OS devices like Macbook or iMac. Playing games on your Android device gives you a pleasant experience, but playing those games on the big screen of your MAC gives you an excellent experience.
Whether it might be graphics oriented games or puzzles, playing them on your MAC will give you the ultimate gaming experience. Not just games, you can use any Android App right on your MAC OS using BlueStacks for MAC.
The Current Bluestacks App Players supports all Mac OS from recent Catalina to Yosemite and even previous versions.
If you want, you can use your Google Play Store account and download more apps to use them on your MAC and BlueStacks allows you to use any android app on your MAC.
Download BlueStacks on Mac OS
You can download BlueStacks for MAC for free. Just visit the BlueStacks website and download BlueStacks for MAC. Based on your internet speed, it takes a while to download completely. Once it gets downloaded, you can install it as any other regular software.
But, I recommend you scan the downloaded BlueStacks before installing it. By default, BlueStacks for MAC provides you with some apps like Facebook, Twitter, Candy Crush Saga, Temple Run, and other favorite apps to use right away on your MAC. There were pre-installed, and you can use them directly on MAC.
If you want to use other apps, then open BlueStacks and search the app in the search box. After that, you can visit the Google Play Store and then install apps in your MAC using the BlueStacks for MAC. Later, you can open the app and use it in your MAC for free.
BlueStacks for MAC allows you to play games like Candy Crush Saga, Temple Run, Subway Surfers and more including social networking apps like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and much more on your MAC same as you used them on your mobile device. You need a valid Google Play Store account to install and use the Android app on your MAC. You can also install the Bluestacks Offline Rooted Version.
Steps to Install Bluestacks App Player on Mac OS
- Before you use any Android App on Apple powered MAC laptops you should download the Bluestacks Android Emulator version 3.
- You can get the MAC version download link above this paragraph. Click on the link button and wait for some time. In a few minutes, you will see the downloaded file in the Downloads folder.
- Next, Open finder on your MAC and go to download folder then double click on the file. It will ask you for permission. Just accept everything.
- Now, it will show a window like in the below image, you have to double-click on the bluestacks logo.
- Within a few seconds, you will be able to use this emulator. Open Applications folder and search for bluestacks.
- That’s it, folks.
Whether you use Bluestacks for Yosemite or Mojave or High Sierra, this software works fine on all MAC version.
Features of BlueStacks for MAC
- User-friendly interfaces and easy to use.
- It provides you with some apps installed by default.
- Provides you top charts, installed apps and more.
- Default contains Facebook, Twitter, Candy Crush Saga, and many more apps.
- You can use the inbuilt search engine to search apps which you want.
- It allows you to install apps from the Google Play Store from the BlueStacks player.
- The latest version of Bluestacks 4 is compatible with the Mac OS Mojave.
Macbook Air Bluestacks 2019
This is all about how to download and install BlueStacks for MAC. If you have anything to add, please do share it with us through comments. If you don’t like Bluestacks mac version then you can try other best Android emulators like Nox Player or KoPlayer for mac.
This article helps you to find the solution to all the below queries.
- bluestacks for mac os x free download
- bluestacks for Mac latest version
- download bluestacks for mac os x 10 or higher
- bluestacks full version free download
- bluestacks for Mac OS X Yosemite/EI Captain

If you have problems while installing Bluestacks on your Yosemite or Mojave OS then do let us know in the comment section below. If you own a Windows 10 laptop then you can get Bluestacks for Laptop from our blog.